Our Story

Find out a little bit about what makes us so unique...

Jace Tennier and Barry Myers studied together at University and realising they worked well together, when the opportunity arose they joined Barry’s father, Jack, and a professional practice was started between them on 1 May 1973.

Barry emigrated to Canada in 1978 after five successful years together with Jack and Jace.

Jack, unfortunately, passed away in April 1981. His widow Mary, a wonderful woman of practical, guiding wisdom, stayed on with the practice in an administrative capacity for the next 20 years.

Jace has since then continued with the practice up until the present time, still deriving great pleasure from his full, active days managing the firm.

Over the years there have been many young people who have passed through the doors of the practice and became CA(SA)’s, some of whom rose to become partners, others moving on to follow successful commercial careers.

The guiding principles of the firm have been to:
  • Embrace young ideas
  • Keep technologically up to date
  • Care about the people who work for us
  • Place an accent on exercise as an assistance to academic and professional excellence
  • Provide a high-quality experience for our clients when dealing with us
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